Your Guide to Secure & Affordable Retirement Living in the Northern Suburbs

Category Buyers Guide


Updated: 6 February 2025
Written by Pieter de Swardt


One of the biggest challenges in Durbanville and surrounds is finding a suitable retirement option...

If, and when clients do manage to find something available, it's often out of their budget range, sold too quickly, or insufficient for their needs.

In an attempt to help our clients consider the options on the table, Pieter de Swardt & Liezel Traut compiled a list of 34 different retirement options in the Northern Suburbs for your consideration.

Firstly, how to prepare to purchase a home for your retirement:

1.     Get a valuation done on your own home to know how much you can spend on your anticipated choice of retirement.

2.     Go and view the choices you have made.

3.     If something is not available immediately, put your name on the list of applicants to be called once something becomes available (You can always say "no" if you are not ready for the move).

4.     Get in touch with our team for any assistance or advise. 



1. Oasis Life Clara Anna Fontein, Vissershok Road, Durbanville

Applicable Age: 60 plus

  • 2- and 3-bedroom homes from 101m2 to 273m2 in size. Oasis Life, Clara Anna Fontein, set in an idyllic 128-hectare lifestyle estate in the gently rolling hills above Durbanville, offers a modern take on retirement living. This beautiful contemporary village consists of just 125 single storey homes arranged around its own Lifestyle Centre with a restaurant, coffee bar, lounge, activities room, meeting room, library, and primary health care facility.

    Find out more about Oasis Life, Clara Anna Fontein!



2. Andante Retirement Village, Fisant Street, Amandelsig, Kuilsrivier

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 130 1- & 2-bedroom Sectional Title apartments

3. Buh-Rein Retirement Village, Buh-Rein Estate, Kraaifontein

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • Buh-Rein Retirement Village is located in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. This retirement haven offers residents 1- and 2-bedroom independent living and assisted living apartments, catering to a broad variety of medical and lifestyle needs, including a community function hall, heated therapy pool, herb and vegetable garden, and so much more! The estate provides residents with peace of mind, as there are Frail Care and Dementia Care facilities at only an arm's length away.

4. De Plattekloof Lifestyle Estate, 55 Olienhout Avenue, Plattekloof

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • Assisted Living Suites (Tijgerzicht)
  • Luxury Apartments (Lebenstijn & Bloemendal)

5. Eureka Retirement Village (Andre van der Walt), Durban Road, Oakdale, Bellville

Applicable Age: 60 plus

  • Rooms, bachelor flats & 1-bedroom apartments 

6. Fairtrees Retirement Village, Fairtrees Road, Durbanville

Applicable Age: 60 plus

  • 80 1-, 2- & 3-bedroom houses sold as Separate Title

7. Fairtrees Manor, Corner of Fairtrees & Langeberg Road, Durbanville

Applicable Age: 60 plus

  • 120 upmarket 1-bedroom or 1-bedroom & study apartments

8. The George and Annie Starck Homes, Frans Conradie Drive, Bellville West

Applicable Age: 60 plus

  • 10 houses, each accommodating 10 residents & own supervisory staff
  • Separate frail-care unit accommodating 55 patients

9. Green Pastures Rest Home, Boland Way, Durbanville

Applicable Age: 60 plus

  • Purpose-built units catering for the needs of those suffering from Alzheimer's & related Dementias

10. Klaradyn Retirement Village, Buitenkant Str, Brackenfell

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 353 Separate Title cottages
  • Apartment blocks with 96 2-bedroom apartments

11. La Gratitude Retirement Village, Corner Protea & Disa Road, Durbanville

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 2- & 3- bedroom houses (95m2 to 181m2) sold as Sectional Title units

12. La Récolte Retirement Village, 44 Basalt Street, Ridgeworth, Stellenberg

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • Bachelor, 1- & 2-bedroom apartment units on offer

13. La Vie est Belle Retirement Village, Bon Esperance Street, Sonstraal Heights

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 2- & 3-bedroom houses (Separate Title)
  • Bachelor, 1- & 2-bedroom apartments & Assisted Living apartments (Sectional Title)

14. Legato Retirement Village, Ibis Street, Sonstraal Heights

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 1-, 2- & 3-bedroom houses
  • Bachelor, 1- & 2-bedroom apartments & Assisted Living apartments
  • Frail Care section

15. Lilac Residence, 43 La Provence Road, Welgelegen

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 37 beds, of which 7 beds are single & Assisted Living with 24-hour nursing care

16. Manor on Lord's Walk, 6 Langeberg Road, Durbanville

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • Life Right units privately & independently arranged

17. Meerenbosch Retirement Village, 68 Falcon Street, D'Urbanvale

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 69 houses (Separate Title)
  • 58 apartments (Sectional Title)
  • Frail Care section

18. Oasis Life, Burgundy Estate, Milnerton

Applicable Age: 60 plus

  • 2-bedroom apartments, cottages & houses

19. Oasis Life, Century City

Applicable Age: 60 plus

  • Phase 1 will include 62 luxury apartments of 1-, 2- & 3-bedroom options ranging between 81m² to 165m²

20. Onze Molen, 12 High Street, Durbanville

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 1- & 2-bedrooms, Life Right apartments available
  • Frail Care on premises

21. Othello Retirement Village, Emilia Road, Brackenfell

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • Townhouses & 1- & 2-bedroom apartments

22. Oude Westhof Retirement Village, 26 Riebeeckshof Road, Van Riebeeckshof

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 1-, 2- & 3-bedroom homes & apartments
  • Help Care units available  

23. Panorama Palms Retirement Village, 66 Uys Krige Drive, Panorama, Cape Town

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • Bachelors, 1-, 2- & 3-bedroom units (27m² to 116m²) sold on Life Right basis

24. Paradys Park, Arauna Road, Aruana, Brackenfell

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 1- & 2-bedroom units sold as Separate Title units 

25. Rochefort Garden Village, 2 Trouville Way, Pinehurst

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • Comprises 143 freestanding homes 

26. Rusgenot, 2 High Street, Durbanville

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • Frail Care unit on site & Assisted Living

27. Serena (Andre van der Walt), Durban Road, Bellville

Applicable Age: 55 plus

  • 53 Life Right units

28. Starckwood Retirement Village (part of George and Annie Starck Homes), Frans Conradie Drive, Bellville West

Applicable Age: 60 plus

  • 6 separate blocks of 60 1- & 2-bedroom units
  • Healthcare facility which can accommodate 52 residents

29. St. Johannis Lifestyle Estate, 155 Frans Conradie Drive, Oostersee, Parow

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 52 1- & 2-bedroom garden cottages & bachelor flats
  • St. Johannis Park is an extension to St. Johannis Gardens & consists of 36 flats & 10 2-bedroom freestanding units

30. Villa Cortona Durbanville Retirement Village, Graanendal Estate, Breerivier Street, Durbanville

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 2- & 3-bedroom houses (Separate Title), Assisted Living suites & apartments (Sectional Title)

31. Vygeboom Retirement Village, Sonstraal

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • No Transfer Duty. Life Rights. Many benefits.

32. Welverdiend, Oak Glen, Bellville

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • Studio, 1- & 2-bedroom apartments

33. Zevenwacht Lifestyle Estate, Zevenwacht Estate, Kuilsrivier

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • Hotel-Style Suites to rent

34. Zonnezicht, Durbanville

Applicable Age: 50 plus

  • 1- & 2-bedroom units, as well as 28 assisted living units in the second phase
  • Upon completion, there will be a total of 229 apartments of up to 60m² in size

For more details about the above Retirement options, contact Pieter


Author: Pieter de Swardt

Submitted 06 Feb 25 / Views 450

Van Riebeeckshof, Bellville

Van Riebeeckshof is a recently developed, and highly sought-after area in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. Bordering Welgedacht, Kanonberg, Oude Westhof and Protea Valley, the area is upmarket, serene, and the perfect environment to raise a... More Info